Turn On The Charm
Once that first email has gone off, and you've had a response, then the natural progression is that the next phase of the developing relationship will probably come through some kind of online chat. After that, it will probably come down to talking on the telephone at some point.
It doesn't really matter what the medium of communication is, nor whether you are a guy or the girl, you must make a big effort to create the right impression with them through the words that you use. Be aware that words on paper or on a computer screen do not carry the same levels of emotion or feelings as the words spoken in a face to face environment.
So, it is imperative that you choose the words that you actually use carefully and wisely. At all times, you must make sure that the words you are using and the phrases and terms that you are writing or saying are keeping the conversation going in a positive direction.
Do not try to be funny or sarcastic unless you are absolutely sure that they will get the fact that what you said was meant to be funny. Best to leave sarcasm and ironic wit to a point a lot further down the line, unless you are totally certain that you are on solid ground!
Do not, whatever you do, let commnications die. If you do not ask questions or actively seek responses, then the chances are that at some point, the whole conversation will stop and, like as not, that will be that! Remember that you are our nominated driver here. Make an effort to keep things moving along at all times!
NEXT TOPIC: And, After That.....?