The Profile.....
Most online dating sites will require you to complete your profile pretty much as soon as you join their site.
This profile is the 'you' that the rest of the online dating community on that particular site will see. Pretty obviously, therefore, having a good profile is crucial.
Indeed, it is that crucial that you should literally consider every single word that you include in the profile that you create.
Remember, this is the 'you' that any potential date will see in the first instance, and, if it doesn't grab them the way you want it to, well, that's pretty much your chances shot!
The only way for others to get to know you is through your profile, so you must tell them everything that they could ever hope or need to know.
I hope that it goes pretty much without saying that your profile should not set out to deceive anyone. That will serve no purpose whatsoever in the longer term. Of course, you would be a fool if you did not put the greatest possible emphasis on your good points!
Emphasize everything that is most attractive about you, whilst trying not to draw too much attention to things about you that are not so great!
There is, however, a very fine line to be drawn, and it is extremely important that you ensure that you remain on the right side of this line.
As you create your profile, no doubt there will be points at which you are sorely tempted to 'embellish' the truth. Little white lies never hurt anyone, correct?
The simple answer is, no, it is categorically NOT correct!
Lies, big or small, white or black, are still lies, and that is not the basis on which you can realistically hope to build any kind of trusting long term relationship. Also, bear in mind that lies are a subjective matter too. What I treat as a mere 'bending' of the truth may be a major act of dishonesty and betrayal to you.
Lies told now WILL come to the surface at some point down the line, and will probably become a major stumbling block to your relationship and possibly your long term happiness.
You are setting yourself up to be disbelieved. Do not even think about going there Attempt to answer every question, and deal with every issue in the profile with complete honesty, and if you cannot answer a question honestly, do not answer it at all.
Those that tell lies will always be found out eventually, and just imagine if you are starting to fall for someone and then they find out that you lied! All over in seconds, and no-one to blame it on but you. Oops!
NEXT TOPIC: Creating A Great Profile